Tag Archives: Nam Yee

Luo Han Zhai

New Moon – Buddha’s Delight 罗汉斋 Luo Han Zai

Remember how I once mentioned that the Swiss like to blame all unexplainable shifts in mood and behaviour on the full/new moon? (Yes, I’m glossing over the fact that I’ve been gone for almost two months)  That pretty much means we all go a little crazy every 15 days. I can attest to that. But I don’t JUST go crazy, I also go vegetarian. Wait….that DOES sound crazy……I kid!

There’s a new moon coming up next week. So I thought, why not share this recipe now so you’d have ample time to gather all the ingredients for it, in the event that you might want to go crazy with me and not eat meat for a day.

Buddha’s delight is usually served on Chinese New Year’s day and last I checked, it doesn’t fall in June. But really, why do people only eat certain foods during certain festivities?? Why can’t you roast a turkey in March? Or have hotpot in November? Ok, I may be opening a can of worms here aaaand I’m rambling.

Continue reading New Moon – Buddha’s Delight 罗汉斋 Luo Han Zai

Siu Yuk 烧肉

Roast Pork Belly by any other name – Siew Yoke , Siu Yuk , Sio Bak, 烧肉

I came across a post on Facebook the other day that really spoke to me.

“My life is a constant battle between my love for food and not wanting to be fat”

I have a confession to make. I haven’t worked out in a month. *SHOCK! HORROR!* No seriously, I really need to get my ass back on the cross trainer. I was so good with my routine up till a month ago. My knee started to hurt a little so I took that excuse and I ran with it. Pun totally intended 😉 Wait, am I doing this right? Anyway, it’s a miracle I haven’t ballooned considering the way I’ve been eating. I mean, look at this Roast Pork Belly!!

Crispy Roast Pork Belly

How do you say no to that?? I know I can’t. Crispy skin crackling and juicy fatty flesh is a combination hard to beat. And being chinese, the way my mind works is Fat = Yumz. 1.35 billion people can’t be wrong, right? You know this dish is awesome when it’s got so many names in so many dialects and languages, and I’m just naming the four I know. Continue reading Roast Pork Belly by any other name – Siew Yoke , Siu Yuk , Sio Bak, 烧肉