Category Archives: Sweets

Pet peeves – Almond Jelly

We all have pet peeves; we all do, but if you were to randomly ask me what mine were, I wouldn’t have been able to think of one to save my life.  I was, however, recently reminded of a couple of them and I thought, let’s share it with you good people out there, for absolutely no good reason. Why not?

I absolutely hate it when people misspell Voilà. The two most common examples of such blunders are Viola (I call Cello on that) and Wala. To be fair, I can’t really fault the people who think it’s wala. Singapore is predominantly Chinese and French isn’t usually spoken there. So couple that with the Chinese accent, I can see how Voilà  becomes Wala. The other is a freaking instrument though!

My other pet peeve is fruits in food. Yes, I’ve heard how apple and pork go beautifully together and I’ve heard how Duck à l’orange is simply heavenly but I am one of those stubborn cows who firmly believes that fruits should be eaten on its own or in a dessert. Please leave your pineapples out of my curry.

Continue reading Pet peeves – Almond Jelly

Rainbow cake

A unicorn pooped on my platter – Rainbow cake

I know! I know! The rainbow cake has been done to DEATH. But…….it’s a rainbow cake! You know you want to make one too. For a first attempt, I got to say, it turned out pretty damn good! *pat on the back* Also, I kind of made a promise here that I would. This was not baked for the same cause I promised it for though, so watch this space.

The rainbow cake has been on my to-bake list for the longest, longest time. Ever since I saw it on Sweetapolita 3 years ago. I promised myself that I will one day bake it for my daughter’s birthday and see her face when I cut out the first slice. I finally got around to it and it was totally worth the 3-year wait. Oh the satisfaction…..*blissful sigh*
Continue reading A unicorn pooped on my platter – Rainbow cake

Mango Sago

Such a nag – Mango Sago

So this is what they call a writer’s block. I have opened this window at least five times the last two weeks but closed it each time empty. Nope. Nothing. Nada. Haven’t a clue what to write. Until today. About time too!

I had a revelation today. Nagging works. As a kid, my mum would nag at me till she turned blue in her face but I would just carry on as I were. I often wondered why she bothered since it obviously didn’t work. She still nags at my sister today and having been in both positions as the nagger and the “naggee”, I got to say I feel sorry for my mum more. It’s very very frustrating. But nagging works! Ok, not always and it depends on who you’re nagging at but it DOES work.

Continue reading Such a nag – Mango Sago

When it rains lava – Brownie muffins

I don’t really have much of a sweet tooth. I’ve always preferred savoury food. Lately though, I often find myself rummaging through the 6-year-old’s candy stash. It’s what I do when I’m stretched to my limits; when the kids are on my last nerves; when bowls and plates REFUSE to stay in my grip and when I manage to twist both ankles coming down the stairs. I eat.

Hello. My name is Pris and I’m an emotional eater. Except I don’t just eat when I’m sad. I eat with EVERY emotion. Happy, sad, mad, bored, frustrated or depressed, I eat. I like chips when I’m bored and candy when I’m mad. But some days, candy just doesn’t cut it.  Some days, you just get so bogged down that all you want to do is to sit down and not give another shit about whatever might go wrong next. You’ve heard one too many “NO!” from your kids and you’ve knocked over one too many glasses of milk. Let it rain lava for all you care. You just want cake. Chocolate cake. A dense and rich one, with nuts and extra chocolate chips. Hey, that sounds a lot like a brownie. So that’s what I did. I made brownies and suddenly the world doesn’t seem so bad after all. Except now I’m getting fat with every bite. Goddammit!

Continue reading When it rains lava – Brownie muffins