Tag Archives: Singapore

Mango Sago

Such a nag – Mango Sago

So this is what they call a writer’s block. I have opened this window at least five times the last two weeks but closed it each time empty. Nope. Nothing. Nada. Haven’t a clue what to write. Until today. About time too!

I had a revelation today. Nagging works. As a kid, my mum would nag at me till she turned blue in her face but I would just carry on as I were. I often wondered why she bothered since it obviously didn’t work. She still nags at my sister today and having been in both positions as the nagger and the “naggee”, I got to say I feel sorry for my mum more. It’s very very frustrating. But nagging works! Ok, not always and it depends on who you’re nagging at but it DOES work.

Continue reading Such a nag – Mango Sago

Hainanese Chicken Rice

My favourite kitchen gadget – Hainanese Chicken Rice

You know how Buzzfeed has all these lists of neat little things you need to have in your kitchen/bathroom/car/purse/water bottle? I thought I’d write my own little list and share with you my favourite gadgets.

So I looked up “kitchen gadgets” while writing this and OH MY GOD! I can’t believe the things they sell these days. Go on, I dare you to look it up yourself. I mean, really? A banana peeler?? Really?? The site says it’s a gadget designed with kids in mind, but I say, teach our kids to peel a banana.  If a monkey can do it, so can our kids. I’d like to think that my kids are not any less intelligent than a monkey. Although sometimes I’m not so sure myself…….

Continue reading My favourite kitchen gadget – Hainanese Chicken Rice

Stuffed! – Asia trip

Oh me oh my!! Almost an entire month has gone by without a new post. I’ve been MIA for the last few weeks and really there is no excuse. Except there is! I’m currently back home in Singapore and feasting on the local delicacies! As I’m typing this, I’m about 37000 feet above sea level, flying back to Singapore from a week in food galore, Ujung Pandang, Indonesia. *Edit: this is no longer true at time of posting 😛 I had planned to post about the food I’ve been feasting on throughout my holiday but if I were to be honest with you, I’ve been too busy pigging out to write anything.  Most meals, I’m too freaking excited stuffing my face to even remember to take pictures. But fear not! I have a very level-headed husband who doesn’t let his gluttony get in the way of photography.

That, however, means I have a different problem. It is not uncommon these days to have with you multiple devices with photo taking capabilities at any one time. The photos I’ve taken over the past two weeks are now spread over three devices, of which two do not belong to me. So that means I don’t know when I’ll be able to share those with you. Bleah.

Until then, how about some teaser photos, aka the few I took with my phone so excuse the quality?

The fat kid – Nasi Goreng Pattaya

Growing up, I was always the chubby one. I wouldn’t go as far as to call myself fat but I could definitely do with losing a few kilos. Even my school thought so too. They sent me to the weight loss club….. *no words*….It was so embarrassing. We fat kids had no say in it. Twice a week we had to report to school earlier than usual and run around the school. I kid you not. Luckily, bullying is not a big issue in Singapore schools. Not back then anyway. I honestly don’t remember anyone being picked on for being fat or short or anything else. Maybe the odd tease if you had a funny name or bottle-bottom glasses, but never anything serious. Or maybe I was just that oblivious.

Anyway, you can imagine that I’ve tried a plethora of diets. Each one lasting for a whole two days. Three, if I was really determined. I just love food too much and I make no apologies for that. What joy is there in life if you can’t enjoy your food? My specific weakness is rice. I LOOOOVE rice. Which is why I never even tried the Atkin’s diet. Rice just makes everything taste better. So believe me when I tell you that I always cook way too much rice. Thus I always have leftovers. What to do? Logical answer: fried rice.

Continue reading The fat kid – Nasi Goreng Pattaya

Kaya (Coconut Egg Jam)

I am not a morning person, therefore I am not a breakfast person. Breakfast to me, is the most boring meal of the day. Unless you live in Asia, but we’ll get to that later. Here in Europe, breakfast is usually bread, butter, jam, nutella, etc. I have had asian friends ask me what I’m feeding my kids for breakfast and when I tell them, their responses were somewhere along the lines of “why are you starving your kids?!”, ” breakfast is the most important meal of the day!” and “that’s bordering on child abuse”.

Kaya (Coconut Egg Jam)

You see, in Asia, breakfast is a huge thing. And the choices for it are ENDLESS! Just to name a few of my favourite breakfasts, we have braised duck porridge (my absolute favourite!), dry tossed noodles (I still haven’t found a recipe for that), fried carrot cake (savoury, not sweet),  nasi kuning, Indonesian meatball in broth and wanton noodles. Notice that it’s all savoury and involves meat? That doesn’t mean that we don’t enjoy the Ol’ bread and jam though. In fact, we have a very unique jam that’s pretty much exclusive to Singapore and Malaysia. Continue reading Kaya (Coconut Egg Jam)