Tag Archives: bacon

Emergency meals – Tarte Flambée / White Pizza

I was chatting with a friend the other day when he asked what’s for dinner. So I told him that we’re gonna put some meat on the grill and have a lil barbecue. He then asked what we were celebrating. Celebrating?? It was Wedenesday. Good enough reason for me….Haha! I was confused and then I realised what he meant. In Singapore, we don’t BBQ unless there was an occasion. I don’t know why. Maybe because it’s a hassle to get a fire started. But here in Switzerland, warm sunny days are not all year round. Couple that with the ease of a gas grill, we have BBQs every chance we get.

But cost of living is high in Switzerland. More accurately, it’s meat that will bankrupt you. Especially when you’re feeding 2 baby carnivores (my kids no longer eat vegetables. ARGH!).  You’d think after all these years I’d be pretty good at estimating how much meat to buy for the week. Wrong! I still tend to buy way too little meat. Especially during BBQ season. Towards the end of the week, I usually find myself getting creative with whatever is left in the fridge.

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